Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dog and Kid Wet Romp

 Mom: We headed out with friends to Thousand Acres Dog Park on the Sandy River Delta. We were a little nervous about Oreo because we were not sure if she would come back since this is not a fenced dog park and she is so fast. She had two chances to run near a huge mud puddle and here at the Sandy River.
 Amy:The sandy river was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Analise: I liked the river and getting super wet! 😇😂👺💗💂👰👻👽💦💥👅
 Analise: I liked playing with Oreo in the water and climbing the tree! 🐕🍦🍝🍐🍇🍉🍰🐚🐈🐆🍧🐶🐬🍱🐏🐓🐔🐦🍭🍚🍛🍦🍗🍟🍡🍩
 Mom: Our friends youngest daughter has the same name as my youngest- Annalise.
 Amy: I fell twice.
 Analise: I liked hiking with friends Michael and the other Annalise! 🎅🎄🎐🎏🎸🎹🎺🎰🎓🂴♦🀢🀡🀨🂧🃊🃂🂭🂢🂧🃎🂬🃊🃘🂸🃂🃂🃂🏆🎽
 Analise: Me making a silly face! 🕘🔮🔑💎👟💐💮💉👜📺🔍📶📹📢📣📑📑
 Analise: My friend Michael and I were testing who was taller. Michael is a little taller. 👰👧💢😉💖💅😏😏💭😑😑😚😈👳👈👧👶👧💟💆💘💙💙💝💝
 Amy: Oreo was so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Analise: Oreo got to play off leash and I got to dance with her in mud puddles!⛖🏰🏰🚩🚢🚘🚏🏬🏡🏯🚀🏦🏦🚖🚕🚃🚃🚏🚗🗻🚙🚄⛨⛩⛩⛩🚂🛅🛅🛅🚳🚳🚗🚙🚚🚔
 Amy: There was a big puddle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Analise: I splashed in the big puddle while Oreo played chase. I was playing Capture the Flag🌐🌌♊🌍🌞🌟🔥🌕⛎♏♒🌚🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌊★🌙🌠
 Analise: I loved watching Moana in my friends van and was playing Moana while puddle splashing! 🅩🅰🅱🅲🅳🅴🅵🅶🅷🅸🅹🅺🅙🅚🅛🈠🈯🈚🅿🅿🆑🆑🅣
 Mom: Oreo was playing chase with the other dogs but didn't follow anybody home and stayed with "her pack". The kids were wading up to their waists in the puddle and river which I was not expecting in mid October but I am glad to have hearty Oregonian children!
Mom: It was a really fun and wet adventure. We headed back to dry and warm up.

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