Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Rainy Hamilton Mountain camp and hike

After a lovely mother's day tea at school, Amy and I drove out of town, through the rain over the Bridge of the Gods to meet a friend at Beacon Rock state park for the night.

Amy- When we got there, I found a slug and decided to make a little "habitat" for it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom- We had a cozy rainy night at camp. Great food, good company, and a cozy tent.
Amy- There was a historic stone chimney. I took a look inside it. There was what looked like some paper in there.
Amy- I got to stay up late, until like 10pm playing card games. Our friend had a tarp and we had a cozy dry corner to play cards. She also brought LOTS of kinds of soda and we had S'mores!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom- We missed being able to see the high mountain views but it was really nice to be climbing in cooler weather.
Mom- We admired the waterfall and stopped at the Pool of the winds.
Mom- I always feel like I'm looking into a secret cave when I see it. So pretty and the mist is refreshing!
Amy- I was actually smiling in this picture.
Mom- enjoying the waterfall.
Mom- Beacon Rock in the distance.
Mom- as we climbed up to the rocky viewpoints, the clouds were swirling above us. We could still see the Columbia River below.
Amy- Last year this is where we saw a boy older than me throw up. The cliff of insanitaration (made up word by me).
Mom- We continued the last stretch to the top, enjoying the rockery and river views.
Mom- The powerful Bonneville Dam in the distance.
Amy- The view was super pretty.
Amy- It was pretty windy at the top.
Amy- These are rhododendrons.
Amy- These are pretty purple flowers.
Mom- After finishing much of the climbing we were getting pretty cold and wet but heading down the other side was much easier and I enjoyed the misty forest.
Amy- We saw a Trillium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy- We think these are wild roses.
Mom- not much of a view at the viewpoint but really nice looking across the saddle.
Amy- This is where the rain came in the hike.
Amy- A pretty pair of paintbrushes.
Mom- Everyone had a great attitude about the rainy night and day and the lovely climb but we think the next time our friend meets us, we deserve some sunshine!!!

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