Thursday, June 7, 2018

Plan B.5- Bagby to an unnamed waterfall solo backpacking with dog

I had an opportunity to go on a solo backpacking adventure with the dog. Plan A was to hike the Whetstone Mountain-Battle Axe Creek loop hike. I love the Bull of the Woods wilderness and was set to go out with the dog. About two miles from the trailhead we hit snow.
I decided to hike up to the trailhead anyway along the forest service road since the trailhead was the high point.
Oreo seemed excited to hike through the snow.
We enjoyed some spring Trillium peaking out near the snow along the way.
The snow was relentless! I was glad I didn't try to continue in my little smart car!
I found the snow covered trailhead.
I started down the steep hill to see if I could find the main trail but it just wasn't happening!
I headed back toward the car. Imagining the views on this cloudy day.
I enjoyed a few more Trillium along the way.
When I finished my four mile warm up and got back to the car, I thought about plan B- there was a nice little hunters camp up on the road but we still had some energy and it was too early to make camp, so I headed to the Bagby trailhead, thinking we would attempt the 7.5 miles to Silver King Lake.
I have actually never hiked this trail for fear of the crowds to the hot springs. The forest was so beautiful!
A waterfall near the beginning of the trail.
Such wonderful old trees!
We came to a viewpoint without much of a view and took a short break.
The going was a little rough with so many downed trees and soon to get rougher but we persisted!
This was the stream crossing where water was over boot level and my feet got pretty soaked.
About a half mile from the lake, we lost the trail and found snow. I started bushwacking through rhododendrons for about an hour and a half from 6 to 7:30pm. I thought that by following a creek upstream I might find the lake. I did find this pretty open marshy space. This was not the lake I was hoping for.
After many miles of hiking (about 12) and all the extra strain of bushwacking it had been a long day. I set up camp at 7:30 in a flatish space just big enough for my one person tent uphill from a lovely waterfall. I stayed outside just long enough to set up camp and cook dinner, then it was an early bedtime. I woke up with daylight about 5am, took down camp and got an early start with bushwacking through rhododendrons, using my compass to guess where I might find the trail. I rested near this little stream and had some breakfast after an hour warm up of bushwacking.
I was SO HAPPY to find the trail again! While bushwacking, I mysteriously found two unopened recently dropped granola bars that I added to my food stash. Maybe someone before or after me had also lost the trail!
On the way back I enjoyed seeing this older trillium.
I quickly came back to the stream crossing where my feet and dry socks. again got soaked. 7 miles later I was back at shower falls which marks the start of the hot springs area.
I washed my face and head in the falls. With this cold spring water that was all I was up for but it was quite refreshing.
As I hiked back through the old growth forest I noticed all the five finger ferns.
I loved the early afternoon sunlight shining through on this nurse log.
I was glad to have some solo time with the dog and am feeling strong and connected to myself and the woods, despite the 3 hours of bushwacking and snowy forest service road. Solo time gives me good energy for reuniting with family and a stronger sense of myself/ groundedness. Hope this is the first backpack of many this season!

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