It was a beautiful hike up and there were lots of people to help us stay motivated on the hill.
Of course, we took lots of breaks for "sunbathing" and "deep breathes" as well as water and snacks.
It was fun to see the old orchard like trees and farms of Eugene below. The sky was especially amazing.
When we got to the top, I had to show off my pregnant belly a little since it is more of a challenge to climb mountains while pregnant :-).
We took our time eating a hot lunch while other folks drooled at the smells and a dog tried to steal some.
We spent quite a bit of time soaking in the view from the top.
When we were finally ready to head back down we chose a different route- to head down the other side of the mountain and make a loop with the wildlife refuge below.
It was a bit steeper, more adventurous way down the mountain on the far side.
She was a trooper, even though she was quite tired. We finally got to our original intended destination, a pond with lily pads. Sarah joked that this was the farthest she'd ever hiked to see lily pads.
It was a beautiful day and I was proud of all of us for our endurance. We were a bit disappointed that we were unable to find the Next Adventure in Eugene, which has either moved or closed, but we had our chocolate ice cream and a long, sleepy drive home.
outstanding views. wow!! and congrats on the new baby!