When we arrived, we found a wonderful group camp site next to a stream. The kids had a great time dabbling and exploring. I was quite amused by how much mud Amy was able to get down her backside.
After sufficient dabbling had occurred, we were off for a hike to the round the mountain trail. We saw a few folks coming back from summiting. Both Mike and I had visions of doing the round the mountain trail that night but leaving four kids with Janelle would have been slightly unfair, but our kids added so much to the experience! Isaac is a "fast train" when he hikes, which Amy decided to try. Of course they had to explore all the rocks along the way.
The mountain views were incredible and there were still some wildflowers. When we got back to camp we had a nice dinner and made a fire.
It was great to see how the kids interacted. Amy really looks up to the oldest, Carolee, and they were frequently going to the meeting place to have private meetings and make mud cookies!
Amy was in bed before S'mores, but the rest of us enjoyed the stars and the campfire.
It was a wonderful night of sleep and preparation for a new day's adventures on the Yakama Reservation.
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