Amy: Me, Mom,Dad,And Analise Went To Lava Canyon south of Mt. St. Helens This Time. Yes,You Heard Right,Dad Went To Lava Canyon Too.(Hee Hee Hee) We Started At 11:00 And Ended At 2:30.
Amy- This Is A Picture Of Analise Hiking With Dad.
Amy-This Is The Suspension Bridge That We Crossed. I Was Scared Of It's Rocking.
Amy- This Is Me Before The Suspension Bridge.
Amy- This Is A Pretty Cool Twisty Turny Waterfall.
Amy- Mom And I Made It Past This. In Case Your Wondering, That Black Thing Is Made To Help People Get Across The Waterfall.
Amy- That's Me Over There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy- The Three Story Ladder Is So Far Down. It Doesn't Look That Far Down, But It Is That Far Down.
Mel- I was so happy to be in this beautiful place near Mt. St. Helens on a sunny day with an 8 year old ready for some hard core adventure.
Gil and Analise continued on the relatively safe loop and we continued through streams, down 3 story ladder down to the bottom of the canyon.
Mel- This is the trail flooded with water. We continued past the point we were trying to find but were excited to be having this adventure together.
Mel- We found a big mushroom.
Mel- I am not sure if this was petrified but looks like a tree that "survived" the blast.
Mel- We continued deeper into the canyon.
Mel- We ended up hiking 5 miles with very wet feet but happy hearts.
Mel- We enjoyed this beautiful view of snow covered Mt. St. Helens.
Mel- I really enjoyed this adventurous hike with my 8 year old wonder. We took a minute to take a selfie before climbing out of the canyon to meet back up with the rest of the family.
Mel- On our way up, we enjoyed the rushing water and took good care with each step on the trail.
Mel- After we finished our climb out, we took some time to eat and headed to the Ape Cave
Mel- Though we had wet feet, we convinced Amy to explore the cave because her sister still had a lot more energy. Amy said she was glad she took the time to explore the cave.
Mel- We did not get pictures of the cave, but enjoyed the darkness and exploring little holes in the side of the rock.
Mel- Analise said she "loved Saturdays". She was glad to see us when we came out of the canyon and enjoyed our cave time as well. I am grateful to Gil for supporting this adventure and was glad for the time all of us had together!